The Horizontal Mode of a Waking Life – Photography by Jiaxi Yang
Photographer Jiaxi Yang has relocated everyday objects and has changed their context and function, calling our attention to the items that we use and challenging how we interact with them.
Photography by Alana Paterson
Photography hasn’t featured here on the site in a long time, generally I don’t come across many portfolios that entice me (I’m quite picky!). Either that or they’ve been shown here on the blog before. I guess that becomes a problem in itself, I’m regularly checking back with individuals th
Set of Imagery from Young and Hungry
Given it's the time of year where food is a prominent thought on most of our minds I thought I'd match this within our content today, bringing across this delightful set of images from American photography duo "Young and Hungry". The collective is made up of Dax Henry and Anais Wade who combined the
Air by Lenard Smith
Lenard Smith is a Californian photographer who lives and works in New York City. His work has been featured in various exhibitions including one this year titled “Dear Japan, We Love You” which was a charity auction where all the proceeds went towards the Earthquake and Tsunami Relief. I
Set Of Imagery By Delaney Allen
Rummaging through the endless supply of imagery over on Flickr late last night I stumbled upon the talents of Portland based visual artist Delaney Allen. His simplistic and subtle approach to photography really drew me in, and across his portfolio I found myself appreciating the set we have here abo
Imagery From Parker Fitzgerald
A multi-talented creative from Portland brings us this inspiring series of mixed text and visuals which really stopped me in my tracks as I browsed around the inter web today. Parker Fitzgerald is an illustrator, designer, and photographer with a passion for creating classic feeling photography whic
Mixed Imagery From Randy P. Martin
We always strive to find new and inspiring creatives for the site, so when we return to the same individual you know to expect something special. Searching through Randy’s profile once again I sat in complete awe of his creations, his works carry a strong tie to nature with such subtle yet sig
Set Of Stills From Lukasz Wierzbowski
I’m absolutely in awe of these stunning set of stills from photographer and creative mind Lukaz Wierbowski. I stumbled across them earlier and they pretty much made my day. The Polish native recently had his work published by Pogo Books and his printed pieces are now available to buy for a pre
Mixed Imagery From Jacinta Moore
Evening all, tonight I decided to bring across some great mixed imagery from avid flickr user BawkBawk, a young lady based in Melbourne, Australia. It seems the young Miss Moore looks to capture anything and everything in her vicinity with her film camera, her profile is littered with snap shots of
Mixed Imagery by Alexander Ryabov
Today a Web Developer from Russia comes into the spotlight. Named Alexander Ryabov, I found some inspiring imagery on his flickr profile. Shooting with his 6×6 Medium Format Camera, Alex generates some wonderful tones and some extraordinary depth in his in photographs. I was taken a back by his
Photography by Hideaki Hamada
An inspiring set of Imagery by Osaka based photographer, Hideaki Hamada. I was drawn to the sense of humbleness, and also the way in which everything is pure and positive. His photos mainly feature his two young children who are both adorable and hilariously funny. He does a beautiful job at capturi
Photography by Sam Coldy
There’s one tumblr I’ve recently subscribed to that features a lot of ‘first person’ type imagery, it’s run and updated by all round creative Sam Coldy. Based in London, Sam takes some really exciting photos. I was particularly drawn to the pictures with lighter tones,