Ceramics and Objects at Everyday Needs Store
It's not often that I come across shops or creatives in New Zealand, we've swayed towards Japan in recent months but there are also some fantastic things going on in other parts of the world. Particularly that side near Australia is where I'm seeing lots of creative communities pop-up and exhibit ex
Lifestyle and Product Imagery at Kitanosumaisekkeisha
We're regularly on the lookout for inspiring photography and lifestyle imagery, it's definitely a good reference for us in the shop since it gives us ideas and tips for our own, it's also refreshing to see how objects could be used in different environments. Take for example this shop in Japan that
Plus Minus Zero Wire Ware Designed by Naoto Fukasawa
A simple but unique selection by Plus Minus Zero in Japan, designed by the one and only Naoto Fukasawa. I suppose when you're a famous designer it gives you the chance to work on some interesting projects, this particular company being one of them who has given Naoto Fukasawa full design direction.
Seating, Lighting and Storage Inspiration at Augustus Greaves
Some cracking inspiration that I found on my travels today, this time a bit more local to us at Augustus Greaves, based between Oxford and London. They specialise in selling pieces of design, whether it's objects such as vases or lights, or furniture and tables, I decided to pick up a selection from
Craft at Japanese Store Jikonka
As I'm sure a lot of you know from previous posts that I'm quite the avid reader, I always purchase more books than I can handle but each one goes in to my bookcase or office with the intention of being read. One thing I don't buy usually is books that are fictional, most of the ones I purchase are
MUJI Meets IDEE, A Set of Case Studies
MUJI happens to be one of those interesting companies who offer a selection of products that sit quite close to our general aesthetic, but maybe miss out on the craft/independent element. They rarely highlight the original makers, possibly because a lot of the ideas are duplicated from the handiwork
Shop Imagery by H Works in Japan
My latest explorations revolve around a trio of books that I purchased delving into the art of the tea ceremony in Japan and the concept of life over there in general. One particular book that has gripped me over the past few days was written by Junichiro Tanizaki titled ‘in praise of shadows’,
A Selection of Furniture by NAUT Design
With our recent release in the shop of the book nest by TRUCK Furniture, which has been ever so popular, I’ve been thinking to myself that we should buy a few items from the TRUCK shop, particular the stools and some chairs for our office. Originally I thought this would be a bit out of my reach c
Ceramics at Utsuwa Gallery
I've got some wonderful imagery to share with you all today, I actually found this website over the weekend and I spent quite a long time just browsing through the different photographs. In fact I couldn't find too much out about the company itself but I've tried my best to conjure up some informati
Lacquerware by Toshio Fukuda
Here are some beautiful objects made by Toshio Fukuda, a lacquerware artist out of Japan. It looks like he's got an amazing eye for simplistic form in general, as with most Japanese creatives, and has been able to create some astonishing shapes that are both functional and very natural looking. This
Workroom, A Family Project
I found this great little project today that I’ve not come across before titled Workroom that’s run by father and daughter team Rebecca and Douglas Snelling. This concept reminds me of Nikole Herriott who also collaborates with her father Lance, they started a quaint little company a while back
Handmade Ceramics at Inventory Stockroom by Shino Takeda
I'm back again today with another post that follows along the same line as my last, this time I thought I'd put some imagery together thanks to our friends at Inventory who've recently released their latest set of items. It's unusual for me to cover two similar things so closely to one another, but