Documenting Tradition – Masters of Japan by Photographer Giacomo Bruno
This particular series that I picked out was captured by Italian photographer Giacomo Bruno from his travels in Japan that document a selection of Japanese craftsmen working in various fields.
The Impact of Colour – Light Sensitive Pictures by Garry Fabian Miller
Garry Fabian Miller is an artist who specialises in 'camera-less' photographs. He creates these by using various light sources on light sensitive paper, thus creating unusual and interesting art.
Craft, Skills and Artisans – Photography by Andrew Montgomery
Often you see very generic pictures of craftsmen, which are flat and quite basic, but Andrew Montgomery has been able to take fantastic photographs of makers in his 'Artisan' series.
Blinded – Photographic Series by French Photographer Matthieu Venot
Self-taught French photographer Matthieu Venot has used the idea of reflection and light on architectural builds in the city to build this series of pictures works titled 'Blinded'.
Depicting Natural Scenery – Japanese Photographer Yosuke Kashiwakura
Yosuke Kashiwakura has documented our conflict with nature through his photography in a subtle way, using underlying meaning to hint at some of the environmental issues we face.
Frozen Surfaces & Ice Formations – Photography by Ryota Kajita
The imagery here is of frozen methane bubbles that Japanese photographer Ryota Kajita finds on the icy surfaces in Fairbanks, Alaska. They really create the most amazing patterns.
Absolute Silence, Full of Possibility – White Utterance by Jung Jung Ho
Photographer Jung Jung Ho has created this series by departing from conventional composition and trying to tread the boundary between the visible and the invisible.
The Horizontal Mode of a Waking Life – Photography by Jiaxi Yang
Photographer Jiaxi Yang has relocated everyday objects and has changed their context and function, calling our attention to the items that we use and challenging how we interact with them.
A Sense of Aesthetics – Japanese Interviews and Interiors by LIFECYCLING
Ever wondered about the Japanese and how they achieve such simplicity and a sense of calm within their homes? If you wanted to see this first hand I'd recommend this series of interviews.
Urban Geometry – Powerful Architectural Imagery by Nuno Andrade
Nuno Andrade is a Portuguese photographer whose goal is to create powerful and timeless imagery using striking architectural angles that are very bold and modern.
Experiences in Japan – Photography by Claudia Garcia-Mauriño
This photography by Claudia Garcia-Mauriño really struck a chord with me, in this series her search for simplicity and harmony has been matched well with the Japanese culture.
Exploration of the Infinite & Invisible – Lightsculptures by Pim Leenen
Dutch photographer Pim Leenen believes that there is a secret life hidden behind materials that at first glance seem self-evident, he hopes to capture this new meaning.