
Joseph Mann created this little visual working a little while back and to be honest for most projects this is too old for me to consider sharing it, but creativity like this doesn’t come around too often and Joseph provides us with real a break from the norm here. The Glassgow based creative b

Twenty something Dave Collinson lives over the other side of world in Australia and is a creative who is rapidly growing in terms of status and skill set. His talents lie in creating pieces of illustration which are often inspired by fashion trending in the past, the set we see here is his latest wo

This short is titled WORDS, and is made by Everynone in collaboration with WNYC’s Radiolab & NPR. Directed by Daniel Mercadante & Will Hoffman, these guys make a special quick cut video that links from scene to scene, keeping you gripped for the whole 3 minutes. I can’t really

Based In Los Angeles Derek Wood is a photographer who’s work is really catching the eye of late, just take this short set of imagery for example he combines a great location with good character and style in the shape of the model used. I think she’s everything a model should be, very tal

Visual effects boutique and art space based in New York Art Jail represent work from creative artist of the moment Marco Brambilla. If the new Kanye West Power video wasn’t groundbreaking enough in terms of visual production for music then this short piece titled Ghost just tips it over the fr

Photographer Alan Powdrill brings us this amusing collection of Ventriloquist characters which are sprung to life in a series captured portraying them as real people in day to day situations. After a fallout with the Tv format of today these dolls have be pretty much left on the shelf by the british