
From time to time we come across projects that seem to slip under everyones radar and not get viewed on a large scale, it must be pretty frustrating for the artist involved as its clear there work is good enough to reach a wider audience. A little while back Robert Gordon created Cubism a short [&he

Now residing in Los Angeles photographer Lauren Randolph was born and raised in Reno Nevada where she achieved a bachelor degree in art. Self described as a creative portrait photographer Lauren looks to bring out the personality, life and the fantasies of her subject while still installing her own

Randy Martin doesn’t divulge too much information about himself over on his flickr page in text form, but I think his photographic works do all the explaining that is needed in some respects. His works are pretty subtle and delicate and never too intrusive, he still keeps his subject as a key

Video artist Matt Pringle has been out of the mix for a little while now, and it’s been a bit of shame because he’s such a talented little creative. The last piece we brought across from Matt was his photographic tales project which was really eye catching and captivating. Since then Mat

Joseph Mann created this little visual working a little while back and to be honest for most projects this is too old for me to consider sharing it, but creativity like this doesn’t come around too often and Joseph provides us with real a break from the norm here. The Glassgow based creative b

Twenty something Dave Collinson lives over the other side of world in Australia and is a creative who is rapidly growing in terms of status and skill set. His talents lie in creating pieces of illustration which are often inspired by fashion trending in the past, the set we see here is his latest wo