Time Flies From David Jordan Williams
Neat series of images from Californina based photographer David Jordan Williams, working out of Culver City David operates his own venture Williams Studio’s which has been open since 1978 in Los Angeles. What we have before us is a project titled “Time Flies” which was crafted by W
Fall 2009 by Ali Bosworth
We’ve had an abundance of good photographers crop up over the past few days. This work by Ali Bosworth is specifically taken from the fall 2009 series, which i thought was most recent. But the other photography is really on point aswell, very nostalgic in it’s tone. It’s all about
Personal Effects by Brian W. Ferry
Brian Ferry is a photographer who is currently situated in London, England, and used to live in Brooklyn, New York. Apart from having a very diverse set of photography in his portfolio, the travelling aspect obviously helps, Brian has a really good sense of style and definitely puts across an old sc
Poster Series From Randy Cole
Houston based designer Randy Cole brings us this set of advertising prints which hold a vintage styling to them throughout, we see four separate looks here each using glamour in the form of women to advertise Thailand export Red Bull. Im not a fan of commercial pieces so this project is a rare inclu
Surreal Looks From Michael Vincent Manalo
Creative photographer originating from the Philippines Michael Vincent Manalo brings us these surreal looking digital creations which are vivid and imaginative throughout the set. Michael is a photographer which ties strong precedence on the importance of imagination as a photographer and say of thi
Departure by Daniel Everett
A real talent, Daniel Everett, his works are interesting, creative and distinctively stylish. He combines all sorts of different medias, exploring the possibilities and limits of personal meaning in public spaces. Most of his work focuses specifically on aesthetics and implications of the outdated a
Nirvana By Tetsumasa Saito
Japan based video artist Tetsumasa Saito created this eye pleasing experience titled Nirvana which is very evocative and melodious, crafted to engadge without overpowering its viewer. This is one of the most easy on the eye and relaxing pieces ive found over at Vimeo, and it’s evident this pro
Photography by Laura Taylor
I went on another flickr patrol this morning and came across some stunning imagery by Californian based photographer Laura Taylor. She portrays a simple and friendly charm throughout her work, the legitimacy of the photo’s is something i’m fond of, you can tell her photography isn’
How much does your building weigh, Mr. Foster?
I spotted this stunning documentary teaser to a film that’s been making it’s way around the different film festivals as of late. This was launched back in february and will be released properly at the end of this year. The film traces the rise of one of the world’s premier architec
Perat By Gustav Willeit
Fine art styled photography collection from Gustav Willeit who can be currently located around Corvara in Badia, Italy, these are just stunning in every aspect of the word, the clean sharp capture combined with the vast and beautiful landscapes is the perfect combination for visual success. These so
I Am From Steven Nicholas Smith
I found this little conceptual short visual works from Steven Nicholas Smith over at Vimeo, and I have to be honest here and admit to finding it over at the staff picks section, which is something I don’t like to do. Im not a fan of posting material which has already been seen by many [&hellip
Walking in Memphis By Grzegorz Adamski
I mean this in no disrespect, but when comparing this to other pieces from Grzegorz Adamski this is one of my less favourite workings, and in my opinion one of his weaker selects. Before you go taking that out of context, this is just a statement to prove the point about how highly I rate […]