Parker Fitzgerald for Kinfolk
Regular followers of our blog will know we have a lot of admiration for photographer Parker Fitzgerald and fine dining magazine Kinfolk, given the amount of times we've covered both of these entities here in the past. Recently Kinfolk got together for one of their evening meals and invited Parker to
L.A. Cabin Living by Brian W Ferry
I’ve been super impressed with the work of photographer Brian W Ferry as of late, he’s somebody we’ve followed closely in the past and even interviewed before, so it’s always refreshing to return to his portfolio and see how things are developing for him. This particular series that I’m sh
Collection of works from María Aparicio Puentes
Time for a little visual arts now as we visit the work of Chilean creative Maria Aparico Puentes and her mixed media imagery. By combining film photography with textiles Maria curates a playful yet eye pleasing series that emphasises the geometry found in these wonderfully taken black and white stil
Further Imagery from Freunde von Freunden
I’ve really been craving a great set of photography recently so I thought it was about time I dropped in on the Freunde von Freunden website as they never disappoint on this score. True to form their archive has been replenished with lots of mind-blowing shots, they seem to have ventured out geogr
Set of Imagery by YoungDoo Moon
The stunning film photography by Nick Hand and Andrew Paynter in our latest feature with Hiut Denim got me a little hungry for some more, so I tracked down a set of beautifully captured medium format shots by Korean creative YoungDoo Moon earlier today. This particular set was taken after reading th
Interview with New York Based Photographer Brian W. Ferry
Why it's taken us so long to include Brian W Ferry into our interview lineup is a little beyond us, he is now however so if you haven't yet read our recent conversation it's quite an honest account from the New York based photographer. On a personal note it was really interesting to receive Brian's
Set of Imagery from Sachie Mucuge
What I enjoy most about the work we collate here is that it’s so diverse in terms of it’s sources, one day we could be sharing a brand which has a really rich heritage and the next an individual that perhaps many of us have not heard of before. It’s this very freedom to express new ideas that
Photography by A. William Frederick
At the weekend I stumbled through to the superb portfolio of Maine photographer A. William Frederick. I have to thank Pinterest for this one, even though it has its massive flaws as a website, such as 404 errors all the time and scrappy design flow, it has a tendency to inspire me due to the creativ
Imagery of Sculptor James Blain Blunk
I felt today would be a good time to visit the work of James Blain Blunk or J.B Blunk as he was affectionately known whilst alive, as I’m keen to keep a little craftsmanship flowing through our format. I was casually taking a read through his dedicated webpage this morning and I was lucky enough t
Set of Imagery from Laura Dart & Amos Lanka
I was really longing for a short film with good narrative this morning but I got distracted by these idyllic scenes that photographers Laura Dart and Amos Lanka have captured amongst friends, so the rolling footage will have to wait for the time being. I think the best things in life aren’t forced
Set of Imagery from Marcos Rivas
In the midst of design led content recently we’ve not lost film photography as an influence amongst our ranks, it’s just projects have been few and far between on our radar. So for this reason I’m quite chuffed to present this set from Marcos Rivas who we are revisiting for a second time now,
Set of Imagery from Gardendier
The Internet and particularly the Flickr community seems to be packed full of highly talented creatives that like to remain anonymous, and it just so happens that Gardendier is one of them. I guess the reality of this is that most of you won't be too fussed, however I think it's nice to be able to m